
Experience Bliss

This 'sounds' amazing

Today is ‘No Honking Day’ in Mumbai; this is the first of its kind to raise awareness of the effects of honking and noise pollution. Mumbai has a population of almost 15 million, 1.5 million vehicles including taxis and rickshaws, which amount to about one vehicle for every ten people. If you’ve ever visited Mumbai, I’m sure you’ve experienced the traffic congestion and insane amount of honking that makes this city so vibrant. Although, after a while it does become quite annoying.

‘No Honking Day’ is a great initiative by the government and even if they can get the public to follow this once a month, it would be a well deserved mental relief. However, Dino still doubts the success of this campaign, it must be seen to be believed, no wait – that would be ‘heard’.


Anonymous April 8, 2008 at 10:03 AM  

What happens if someone does honk?

Dino April 8, 2008 at 12:16 PM  

Not quite sure, people can most likely get away with it. But as I understand they've been building an awareness using banners, etc. So if you do honk, it's just bad for your karma, i guess.

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