
Experience Bliss

How are you contributing towards Earth Day?

Today is a day when we combine our efforts to save the planet or at least reduce our harmful behavior towards it. It’s not really that tough going green, it just requires simple awareness. Dino has decided to implement the following changes into his daily routine to reduce his impact on mother Earth and save a few bucks.

Switching off his computer while he isn’t at home

Re-using any plastic cups, or better yet, using his own mug

Reducing the length of the long hot showers

Using public transportation

Using the hand dryer instead of paper towels

Turning off the air conditioner whenever possible and opening the windows for some fresh air

Printing on both sides of the paper

Paying bills online

Recycling cans and bottles

The changes listed above are not as drastic or inconvenient as planting a tree. Contradictory to what Kermit the frog says – It really is easy being (going) Green!!


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