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Categories: About Dino , Empowerment , Toastmasters , Wisdom
Shirdi Sai Baba & Kali Mata appeared in my dream on Diwali Day 2014
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Categories: Bliss with Sai , Dreams , Empowerment , Faith , Shirdi Sai Baba , Spirituality
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Categories: About Dino , Bliss with Sai , Courses , Empowerment , Faith , Healing , Leadership , Life Coaching , Meditation , Mindfulness , Spirituality , Wisdom
Remove Sorrow from Relationships
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Categories: Appreciation , Compassion , Empowerment , Faith , Leadership , Mindfulness , Patience , Relationships , Spirituality , Wisdom
Overcome Depression Instantly
Depression has become extremely common recently due to the levels of stress and lack of spirituality within individuals. This has driven people to attempt suicide because either they do not have the outside support of friends, family, doctors, or the inner strength and wisdom to gain clarity about their situation. Since the past 45 years people have become more depressed and the suicide rate has increased 60%. In the world, on average one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds.
I can understand what it feels like to be extremely depressed to the point of suicide because I have experienced it when I had lost partial vision.
There are several techniques to overcome depression, however I would only like to share one for now.
The reason many people become depressed is because they are too identified with their situation. This means that they are unable to separate themselves from their circumstances. They fail to realize that they are NOT their thoughts, emotions, imagination, mind or their bodies. They are completely immersed in how they feel. A simple change in perspective can resolve this. If they continuously remind themselves that “I am not depressed, I am only FEELING depressed. I am NOT my thoughts, emotions, imagination, mind, or body”. This will raise the person’s awareness and detach them from the feeling of depression. The person will start to experience his/her mind/body as the observer. And this is the first step to transformation.
In addition to the change in perspective, expressing the attitude of gratitude is extremely powerful, and is an instant cure for depression. No matter how depressed a person is, he/she can always make a list of how much worse life can really be, and how much better it can be. By changing the focus from the negative to the positive we will realize how lucky and blessed we actually are.
Consider the fact that out of all the people that go to bed tonight, over 100 thousand people will not wake up tomorrow. And out of everyone that goes to bed tonight over a million people will have lost a loved one. Isn’t it absolutely amazing and aren’t you truly blessed that you woke up this morning, and all your loved ones did too?
Change in perspective and gratitude are the initial steps to overcome early depression, and this is simply a change in mindset. It is crucial to develop your inner strength early in life; so that if for any reason, if you or a loved one falls into depression, you may help them overcome it as quickly as possible.
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Categories: Appreciation , Empowerment , Faith , Gratitude , Healing , Health , Leadership , Mindfulness , Spirituality , Wisdom
What did Lord Krishna Teach me in my Dream Today?
I seemed to have a very close relationship with Lord Krishna, so I invited my friend to visit his palace. As we entered the palace we were stunned to see how beautifully it was designed.
Lord Krishna then invited my friend to show him around while I followed. Lord Krishna first showed my friend the “evil” room. He told him that he could go into that room and enjoy playing around with as many evil acts as he wanted without fear of the consequences. He would simply enjoy the present moment pleasures of the evil acts. This room was extremely beautiful, but all the evil gaming features were turned off.
Lord Krishna then invited my friend to the “good” room. Similarly, my friend could play around with as many good actions as he wanted, without worrying about the results of those good actions. He would simply enjoy the present moment pleasures of the good actions. This room was designed exactly the same as the evil room, and all the gaming features were also turned off.
Lord Krishna then asked my friend which room he would like to try out?
My friend instantly responded by saying that he wanted to try out the “good” room.
Lord Krishna then told him that the only problem with the good room was that there was a waiting list and he would have to wait a while before using it.
Remembering that both the rooms were designed exactly the same, my friend decided to change his mind and use the evil room instead.
That’s when I woke up.
As I analyzed this dream, I realized that we naturally have the feeling to choose actions towards good. Although, sometimes the pleasures we get from good acts do not come to us instantly. On the other hand, acts of evil often give us instant pleasures.
My friend in this situation initially chose the “good” room, but when he realized that patience was required before using the room, he changed his mind and chose the evil room. He was so desperate for enjoying immediate pleasures in his life that he chose the evil room.
Patience was the powerful lesson to learn here.
How often do we intentionally choose the wrong path simply because the results would be instant?
Patience is a virtue that is cultivated over time through practice. Faith and wisdom allow a person to make the right decision at the right time. Alternately, in some situations, decisions do need to be made instantly. When this is the case, it is imperative to use intuition along with faith and wisdom.
Although, similar to patience, intuition is also a virtue which takes time to develop. However, imagine how effective you would be if patience, faith, wisdom, and intuition were a natural part of your decision making process.
Think about it.
Break Away from Peer-pressure
A large percentage of the population on this planet are followers and evaluate their self-worth based on what others think of them. This is the reason why they adopt a certain behavior or habit, so that they’re accepted by the group. It’s not always what we do, but what we don’t do that defines who we are.
Categories: Empowerment , Leadership , Mindfulness , Relationships , Wisdom
Why Did I Stop Crying?
Categories: Dreams , Faith , Meditation , Mindfulness , Shirdi Sai Baba , Wisdom