The ‘Ayurveda Herbal Organic Fabric Jeans’ designed by Make Your Own Jeans, uses an ancient technique of dyeing textiles in medicinal herbs as a means of practicing Ayurvedic medicine.
Ayurveda treated fabrics exposes medicinal herbs to the body through the skin, the body’s largest organ. In contact with clothing, the skin absorbs the medicinal qualities of the herbs. Depending on which herbs are used in the dyes, Ayurveda treated fabric may treat a broad range of medical conditions including skin ailments, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Each dye may contain up to 50 different herbs.
A few of the benefits that can be noticed are treated skin infections, weight loss, improved diabetes, immune system boost, eczema, energy boost, psoriasis, mood enhancement, hypertension, overall well-being, improved blood pressure, calm feeling, asthma, blood purification and cooling, improved digestion, relief from insomnia, arthritis, rheumatism and general body aches
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