
Experience Bliss

Divine Intelligence

In this Quick Wisdom video Dino shares some insights on
Divine Intelligence and how to tap into it. Check it out!

Unbind Your Mind [Course]

Course Overview: The mind is the cause of suffering and the cause of joy. It is believed that it’s easier to tame a lion than to tame the mind. It’s easier to conquer the world than to conquer your mind. This does not mean it’s a lost cause and we should give up. Those individuals who use their minds to live with a higher level of awareness are able to make better decisions, tap into their creativity, lead a more balanced life style, and handle uncertainties effectively. This is simply because they know how to manage their thoughts and emotions.

I invite you to experience the power of Life Coaching in this one-on-one personalized course on how to Unbind your Mind from unhealthy thought patterns and limiting beliefs. This will be one of the most powerful and intense courses that will awaken you to the power of your mind and teach you how to transform your life.

Course Outline:
  • ·      A brief evaluation of your thought patterns
  • ·      The importance of mental clarity
  • ·      The relationship between thoughts and limiting beliefs
  • ·      The connection between the thoughts, emotions, and the body
  • ·      The different types of thoughts and how to manage them
  • ·      Tips on how to transform negative thought patterns
  • ·      Techniques to calm the mind
  • ·      Q&A
How the course will be conducted:
This is a personalized 75-minute one-on-one course, as the purpose is to be productive and prepare action steps for you. This course focuses on your past and present thought patterns to clear limiting beliefs. The first 60 minutes will cover the items in the course outline and the last 15 minutes for action steps.

This course can be conducted face-to-face or via Skype, and the discussions during the course will be kept confidential. You are welcome to share a testimonial with others if you wish to help them overcome their challenges as well.

How to Register for this course:
For further enquiry or to REGISTER for this course, send Dino a private message on Facebook by clicking here.

Related Links:

Drop Your Emotional Baggage

We have a tendency to carry all our memories and scars with us wherever we go. These memories and scars occupy space in our brains and do not allow us to focus on the task at hand. When we are working on a specific project, our minds recall incidents, interactions, and emotions from the past that distract us. To make it worse, worries about the future also distract us in the present moment. For us to perform our tasks efficiently, we must unclutter our brains from unnecessary thoughts.

Imagine holding a glass of water, initially it is very light; but the longer we hold on to it, the heavier it starts to feel. The same concept applies with the emotions that we are carrying. The longer we hold it, the heavier it gets; and eventually when we can no longer hold it, we breakdown.

In addition, we can replace the word “should” in are vocabulary with the word “must”. Often saying that “I should do this or should do that” and then not doing those tasks creates energy of regret. Instead, if we say that “I must do this or that” creates and energy of empowerment, and results in the tasks being completed.

Once we transform our speech and drop the emotional baggage that we have been carrying for years; we will notice a rise in our energy level as well as better focus to complete our tasks.

Learn how to manage your thoughts and emotions.
REGISTER for Life Coaching with Dino


A special thank you to everyone who sent in their kind testimonials and good wishes for Life Coaching as well as articles on the blog/magazine.

If you would like to share your testimonial, please use the comment box below.


One of the greatest attributes of a good life coach is the ability to ask the right questions and Dino has got this down. He challenges your thinking, listens patiently and allows you to come to your own conclusions by asking the right questions. He has the ability to stay unbiased, another great attribute of a good life coach. Speaking to Dino is a pleasure and it doesn't take long to realise how wise beyond his years he really is.” – Natasha Mahtani, UK

I have become a huge fan of Dino. I met him via a mutual friend at the most appropriate time and he has provided invaluable insights. He provided me with easy to use tools and got me in touch with my inner strengths. I find Dino very easy to talk to and bonded with him right from the first session. I highly recommend Dino to all my friends and family.”  – Renuka Rajani, USA

I had heard from friends that Dino is wise beyond his years. 
 That morning at the coffee shop, when a young man came and sat across my table, I told him that that seat was being held for someone else.  He smiled affably and said, " I am that someone. I am Dino." I apologized immediately, taking in the young man who dared to take on my problems. He was a little less than half my age, so you can understand my doubts.
 He began with some questions in which my sense of inadequacy came through.  I told him how overwhelmed I felt and frustrated by the sense of not being able to catch up with my work. He let me talk, and he listened.
Very gently, over two sessions of an hour each, he/ we, analyzed my approach. As the conversation progressed, I could see why I was not succeeding. He directed me to 'a way of engaging from a place of worthiness.' Together, we made a plan, which I am now happily working on. 
I asked Dino what drove him to practice Life Coaching, he said: - (I hope to educate and inspire, to convince people to look at themselves and the world a little differently, and to be able to use these insights to improve not only their lives, but the lives of everyone they touch as well)". – Mona Melwani, USA

"For years I have been looking for a life coach who knows what they are talking about.  Today, I found one who was patient , full of energy, and vibrant to various topics we discussed. I would recommend Dino because he has the skills as to what he is talking about! Good Job Dino" - Avinash Mohinani, Taiwan

"Dino's evaluation speech was powerful and full of empathy and sincerity. I'm amazed how he can sense the innermost feelings and thoughts of a speaker. That's really a gift he got. You are a very special person Dino and you share that unique gift to help others. Bless you always. You inspire me." - Mayumi Hu, Toastmasters Session Master
Dino is my nephew so I have known him since he was a kid. As is often the case, when you see someone grow up then somehow it is difficult to “learn” something from them, and ego normally gets in the way.
 But, happily, I have seen Dino grow not only physically, but grow spiritually. As he has grown spiritually he has learnt how to share his knowledge and experiences with others. He shares freely and enjoys sharing.
A few weeks ago Dino and his family were guests at our home, and I spent many hours chatting with him, and learning a lot from him. Yes, learning. He might be half my age, but he taught me how to get guidance from the Universe, how to improve myself in different ways, how to use the “energy” that is all around us, and much more.
 Looking forward to Dino’s next trip to Manila so I can learn more from him.” – Sham Daswani, Philippines

We all have parts of our lives that we need help with, whether it is time management, losing weight or becoming more peaceful. Dino is patient, positive, frank and solution-oriented, and all these qualities make him a really effective life-coach. He is also knowledgeable about the energy Chakras, Reiki and self-healing. I have benefited from my sessions with Dino, and hope that more people will seek his help to fine-tune their lives.” – Jaya Hiranandani, Taiwan

I have known Dino his whole life. Having read all the positive comments about his abilities as a Life Coach and how he has helped the people around him has made me immensely proud. However, a part of me had to witness this for myself. I have to say I was totally impressed. How did this young man become so knowledgeable...yet he is so modest about it...takes no credit. He listens like a friend and advises like a teacher. He has set such a positive example with the way he has handled his life and convinced me that 'everyone' can be happy. I have started practicing some of his techniques...they are simple yet helpful. I agree that he is wise above his years. Thank you Dino and keep up the wonderful work.” – Monica Sital Motwani, Hong Kong

"Dino has done a superb job creating a lot of the content for our USBCT Group and Individual Corporate Programs here in Taiwan. He is meticulous in developing our instructor manuals, slides, workbooks, and other session materials. His content is fresh, solid and impactful. Thanks for your tireless efforts Dino!" - David A. Hall, USBCT

My hats off to your positive thoughts and approach to life. I am blessed with your friendship. Many thanks for inviting me to visit your blog.”  - Kish Chablani, Taiwan

 It was wonderful reading Dino’s blog. He has written beautifully.
God bless him always! He is already blessed and gifted!” – Bhavna Nainani, China

You’re doing some really nice work. It’s great that you have discovered your purpose and it’s a very noble thing to be able to help others along their spiritual journeys. You might very well be the next Self Help Guru.” – Ranjiv Daswaney, Hong Kong

Very well written articles. I hope I can put to practice the practical suggestions. Ideas are simple and easy to understand. More power to you, Dino. You sure are wiser than many of us put together.” – Durga Dadlani, USA

 It was a pleasure meeting you during the area G2/G3 contest last Saturday.  You inspired me with your story of acceptance.   Your sincerity in sharing your life story and courage to see the positive side of life is very inspiring.  Thanks for sharing it with us.” – Mayumi Hu, Toastmasters member, Taiwan

Dino gave a very inspiring speech! Well done Dino. Good luck with the next level of the contest.” – Phillip Botha, Toastmasters Judge, Taiwan

 “From Dino’s speech at Tien Mou Toastmasters, I learned that he is a confident, humorous, creative and brave man. His positive thinking inspired me to look at the bright side when facing problems. In this way, he showed his good leadership.” – Joanna Lee, President of Tien mou Toastmasters, Taiwan 

Dino is a very good Life coach. He helped me in opening up my self to talk about my situation. He is a very accommodating person. Baba bless him always.” – Roshni Ramesh Chugani, Malaysia  

Dino, I applaud you on such a beautiful piece of work. Really, you have explained "blame game" so well. Now we just have to practice it. Well done! Keep up the good work- God bless you!” – Maya Mahbubani, Hong Kong

You teach us to stay focused on our task and ignore the negative comments around. Thanks for sharing and hope to continue receiving your thought provoking articles.” – Naresh Vaswani, Hong Kong

Almost everyone, including me, identify with the situation you explain so well in your blog. It seems to me, that your thoughts are like a stream, which flows easily and effectively. I always have to ask the question: How did you get to know, experience and understand all of this? It takes a lot of living to come to your conclusions.” – Mona Melwani, USA

Very nice and enjoyed reading your post on compassion. Keep up your good work. God bless you always.” – Sneha Budhrani, Taiwan

Amazing, Excellent, WOW!  It is not enough to express what I felt when I read this - I truly, truly, truly feel that you should write a motivational book.” – Pirkash Mirchandani, USA

Dino’s writing truly inspires a person to be positive. In today's age where there is so much negativity around, Dino is a source of inspiration to move ahead with FAITH. We are witnessing God's Miracle in Dino. I feel blessed to have an opportunity to read Dino’s Words of Wisdom. Dino please keep inspiring us.” – Anita Narang, Taiwan

I feel like I am in a wonderful satsang when I speak with you. I just love our conversations, it uplifts me.” – Renuka Rajani, USA

It was so interesting, and so much to learn from Dino. I loved and enjoyed and am always getting inspired by Dino’s beautiful words.” – Deena Mirchandani, USA

I have been reading with great interest over the months, articles by Dino Daswani. His blog Dino’s Words of Wisdom are very profound and I have found that I have become and admirer of his. I saw his picture on Facebook and he looks too young to be so spiritually oriented. I hope that BR will continue with his articles. This way, people all over the world will come to partake of the wisdom of this young man.” – On the Path, Gibraltar

If you would like to share your testimonial, please use the comment box below.

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